Key Stage 2 for Schools

Key Stage 2 Age 8-12

If you are looking for enjoyable reading resources or programmes for pupils in Key Stage 2, there are a wide range of choices available to support your children’s progress. Whether it is for boosting reading for pleasure, or to strengthen comprehension you can be assured that your class children’s progress can be effectively measured. All products foster reading for learning with rich cross curriculum links.

“Connectors” is a great way to introduce children to reciprocal reading. It helps to strengthen comprehension through peer to peer learning and establish effective learning strategies. There are a range of non-fiction texts which support cross curriculum learning.

Our Non-fiction and Fiction Close Reading books can be photocopied and are are a powerful tool providing children with short texts that give marking practice so children comfortably learn to read strategically. This is ideal for whole class or large group teaching and offers great value for money.

Another close reading programme called “Short Reads” is linked closely to colour book bands and lexile levels, so you can pitch interesting whole class lessons appropriately for 15 minute daily sessions. Alternatively it can be used for catch up work. Enclosed in a pack is a well thought out Teacher’s Guide to prompt higher thinking and student responses supplemented with questioning and discussion. Non- fiction texts enables teachers to widen their children’s knowledge base. The programme also links in with Scholastic Reading Pro quizzes.

Scholastic Reading Pro not only motivates reading for pleasure, while assessing children’s progress, but guides them to appropriate choice levels for ability, age and interest. Using classic books from well loved authors and a range of genres as well as loads of great e-books Scholastic Reading Pro is a great way of supporting quality home reading experiences

To request a quotation or to place an order, please contact us at

“The 2 approaches of learning to read and reading to learn are well balanced effectively, the first with the Ransom reading stars phonic scheme and the WiNC 1 and 2 Cross Curriculum literacy scheme.”

Angela Lee Literacy Specialist and Business Owner


Angela is a highly experienced and intuitive teacher with the ability to adapt her approach to ensure that she reaches each individual child.

F. A. Ghosh – Parent
Angela gave my daughter a wonderful head start to reading at school as well as a love for reading and understanding of the story.
M. Fagg – Parent
PiLT is an excellent literacy program that from the youngest age allows children to explore the world of books, and use their enriched vocabulary in theme designed games.
A. Klempic – Teacher