Angela Lee
Owner and Literacy consultant
- Experience: 15 years
As an experienced Reading Practitioner, I have had the opportunity of working in a range of Primary schools; in the capacity of a class teacher, phase/RE Leader, reading recovery teacher, lecturer, and consultant. I am highly passionate about Literacy and my career has centered on successfully raising the Literacy attainment of children, but also how this can be taught across the other curriculum subjects including maths through themes.
Fundamentally, my passion is centered firmly in Early Literacy provision. Additionally, I benefited from National and International Reading Training from the institute of Education (Now UCL) and Ohio University. I am currently linking with Scholastic Education, Gardner’s Education, Ransom Publishers to promote excellent reading resources in schools.
I have been both a qualified Reading Recovery interventionist and responsible for delivering quality first teaching of phonics for 12 years . As well as teaching and assessing children’s phonics levels I can also comfortably benchmark, complete observational surveys, meet with management and input relevant data and present to senior management, governors or other education settings as needed. I am experienced in training parents, Teaching Assistants and teachers in Early literacy provision.
Essentially, I am eager and passionate to help schools access a range of enjoyable cross curriculum texts to meet the new Curriculum demands. I have found my knowledge of different texts from a range of companies supported my ability to write plans, where books can be linked and presented in a range of genres. My experience as a consultant enabled me to set up my own Training Company BLEER (Balanced Literacy Enjoying Early Reading) and an Early Years programme (Playing in Literacy Themes) as well as Key Stage 1 WiNC (Writing in the New National Curriculum). These innovative literacy interventions/programmes have directly impacted the success of primary schools in which I have worked and resulting in children being able to improve their oracy, & comprehension skills, with confidence as they engage in a range of texts effectively.
I strongly believe in parents being involved in supporting the literacy development of their children and therefore much of my work now is being directed to parents, home literacy packs. I hold in high esteem, the skills of other Literacy Specialist. I am grateful to welcome other experienced colleagues to evaluate my ideas and passion. I have been especially successful in training Teaching Assistants and parents in family Learning.