Information for Parents

We help parents by offering online training sessions (based upon our PiLT and WiNC methods) along with all of the supporting materials and books that will help young readers develop their literary skills.

Please check out the specific pages for Reception Year, Key Stage 1 and Keystage 2 resources and see also our training courses and reading books.

“As a reading Specialist in London, I have developed two main programmes PiLT, (Playing in Literacy Themes) and WiNC ( Writing in the National Curriculum). With the support and participation of a wide group of independent Educators and Publishers, whom I would like to thank and who are working alongside me as partners.”

Angela Lee Literacy Specialist and Business Owner


Angela is a highly experienced and intuitive teacher with the ability to adapt her approach to ensure that she reaches each individual child.

F. A. Ghosh – Parent
Angela gave my daughter a wonderful head start to reading at school as well as a love for reading and understanding of the story.
M. Fagg – Parent
PiLT is an excellent literacy program that from the youngest age allows children to explore the world of books, and use their enriched vocabulary in theme designed games.
A. Klempic – Teacher